Monday, December 15, 2014

Miracles #14 and #15

December 14th--Miracle #14

It was December 14th, 1996, on a beautiful winter night. The Christmas tree was perfectly decorated and hundreds of lights....tucked away in the branches....were dancing on the walls of the candle-lit church I grew up in as a girl. 
That night, 18 years ago, I promised a young, handsome high school sweetheart...that I would love and respect him for better or for worse, sickness or in health....
18 years later.....we've been through some "better" years, and we've been through some years that could have destroyed us.  Jacoby's accident was one of those hardships that could have ended our marriage. 
My heart goes out to the couples who face these types of struggles OR WORSE..with no support; it's hard enough when you DO have family, friends and resources to help carry the load. 
Today, I am TRUELY thankful for the miracle of #18 FULL years spent together with the man I love.....

December 15th--Miracle #15

Do you remember the  movie, "Its's a Wonderful Life?" 
Do you remember how your heart was going to literally burst open with joy when the whole town of  Bedford Falls came one by one to George Bailey's aide? 
George had lost all hope in living because of a problem he couldn't fix alone.  George was truly ready to end it all by jumping off the bridge.  Meanwhile, when his friends and community found out the crisis George was in..they came together and helped in whatever way they personally could...working together that day, they brought hope back into the life of George Bailey and his family.  
Each and every one of you WERE and ARE Bedford Falls to Jacoby and our family.  We were desperate to know we weren't alone; you carried our pain with us you still do today. 
One specific miracle that still leaves us in awe was the building of our home. A completely random group of men and women (all volunteers) came together, headed up by Tim Baublit, and poured the foundation, framed and presented a home to us 10 days after they broke ground. There is something about this gift....this offering...this sacrifice....that chokes me up every time I think or talk about it. 
That crew of workers worked around the clock, many times only sleeping for 2 hours, before they started back up again. They gave time up with their families, and most gave their own health...just to give Jacoby the gift of an accessible home for Christmas. 

I know for certian The Lord had angels working on those grounds day and night, keeping those men and women  AWAKE and they could finish the task. 

As Jason and I were walking through the White House Visitor Center today, we came across a quote that one of America's presidents said....

"The White House is the only home that is not owned by the family who resides in is owned by the people."  

We were completely humbled to realize  our home was built much the same the people....for the people.. All of you who sacrificially gave of yourselves for our precious daughter's benefit  and for ours.... Our home will ALWAYS belong to all of you forever......

Thank you for the miracle of determined people willing to give everything they have to give someone else hope......thank you for the miracle of our home....thank you for being our Bedford  Falls..... 

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